Various acting and on-call positions in Water and Wastewater Operations - Expression of Interest

Job No: TSC1323
Location: Murwillumbah / Tweed Heads

Internal only - must be a Tweed Shire Council Employee


  • Only Tweed Shire Council Employees are eligible to apply for this Expression of Interest.
  • Spinifex Recruiting employees (labour hire staff), and Programmed Services employees (apprentices and trainees) are not eligible to apply.

The Network Operations Team in the Water and Wastewater - Operations Unit is seeking interest from existing staff to act in various roles or participate in on-call rosters as needed over the next two years.  

Supervisor Network

Technical Officer Water Supply and Quality

Senior Technical Officer Network

On Call - Supervisor

Technical Officer Network

On Call - Reticulation (Water & Sewer)

Plumbers Assistant

On Call - Pump Station Assistant

The acting positions are likely to involve short-term secondments when incumbents are on leave or for the duration of special projects, however, longer-term secondments may occasionally eventuate in certain situations. This may be at short notice, and therefore applicants will need to ensure their substantive role enables them to respond quickly. Applicants must discuss this with and have support from, their supervisor/manager before applying for this EOI.

Current on-call incumbents do not need to re-apply for on-call positions. If the required number of position for on-call positions are filled, a merit list from this EOI process will be used to create a backup pool and these staff will be given first consideration for any vacancies in on-call positions over the next 2 years. Please note Network Assistants will not generally be considered for Water / Sewer On-call.

Decisions about placements will be made at the sole discretion of management based on a combination of operational need, resource availability (including whether the incumbent is available to provide training), expressed interest, and the relevance and depth of the applicant’s knowledge, skills and competencies.  Nothing in this process prevents Council making a direct Acting placement, outside of the EOI process, in accordance with the provisions of the Local Government (State) Award.

Payment of higher duties will be in accordance with award conditions and Council policies/procedures whilst taking into account the training and development opportunity provided by the role.  Payment of higher duties (where applicable) will be considered on merit for individual candidates based on the circumstances of their appointment, their actual productivity and aptitude, and their responsibilities during that period.  Relief and support roles provide individuals with valuable experience and potential referees to assist in applying for vacancies in the future.

All On Call positions will be paid in accordance with award conditions and Council policies/procedures. 

Note that approval to be placed on the list does not automatically mean approval is granted for individual placements.  Approval by the relevant manager will be required before each placement to ensure any impacts to operations are acceptable.

What’s on offer:

  • An opportunity to broaden your knowledge and skills.
  • The chance to accept additional responsibility.
  • Additional compensation (in accordance with the award conditions).

We are seeking:

  • Willingness to learn and ask questions, be adaptable and open to feedback, and show a high level of personal responsibility.
  • Pride in maintaining work standard quality.
  • Availability as fit for work to respond to out of hours works and emergencies (for On Call positions).

Where it's located:

These positions can be directed to work from any Council work site.

Position closes: 

Friday 19 July at 12 noon sharp (NSW time).

How To Apply:

You must use your own email address, and not one used previously by another person that has applied for a position with council.

Once you start your online application, you cannot save and return to it later. 

You may wish to prepare your responses in a Word document. You can then COPY and PASTE your answers from Word into the below fields.

  1. Please consider the below questions in relation to the position, and if interested complete the application form.
  2. A current resume is required.
  3. Applicants may be interviewed.
  4. Review your expression of interest to confirm everything is correct. Click 'Confirm' to submit your application.


  • Please provide details of your relevant certificates/qualifications, licences and tickets.
  • Why are you interested in the position(s)?
  • Please outline your previous experience and how it is relevant to the position(s).
  • What qualities do you will bring to the acting role(s) or on-call position (s) that will benefit the organisation?
  • Please describe how your verbal communication skills (including interpersonal skills) are suitable for the position(s).





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Personal Details * Required field

  1. Digits only or add + for international numbers

  1. (Please click on your profile and copy the URL from your profile page.)
